W Edinburgh is featured in the Feb/March edition of arc magazine.

The Light Lab fabricated and installed the large-scale illuminated lettering in the central stairwell, using our custom Glowform product, spanning floors 3-12, with a total height of approximately 53 meters (174 feet).
Big thanks to Kevin Grant & the LIGHTALLIANCE team for bringing us onto the W Edinburgh & St James Quarter project.

“The central stair lighting features at W Edinburgh provides wayfinding guidance, functional light and also a prominent light art feature that spans up to the Level 12 ‘W Deck’ Roof Terrace. The light feature and supporting structure was designed by Light Alliance and developed in collaboration with The Light Lab, with options for dynamic and responsive lighting to suit the time of day, year, or specific occasion – with variations to the colour temperature and intensity of each element” Arc Magazine

Find out more on The Light Lab website.

And read the full article here (Page 50).


Feb march 25 ARC W Hotel letters 02


Feb march 25 ARC

Author Ellen Murphy
