The Engine Room

The Light Lab manufactured and installed a bepoke LED installation at the innovative new Engine Room gym in central London, using a bespoke pixel controlled version of our linear LED fitting Glowline. The gym is uniquely placed in a converted church, with the lighting installation as the main feature of the rowing/spin room, using the latest in DMX/SPI and ‘sound to light’ technology.

The technology enables music to affect the movement and patterns of light that appear across the linear LED fittings, as music is playing during an exercise class. The fittings are chevroned towards the fitness coaches who are able to tailor the sound to light content to suit their own class. The full extent of the software’s versatility was exploited via our programming partner WebCentrik to create a wide variety of sound to light combinations for all ability levels. The SPI control at 50mm increments allows incredible detail in the programme design and responsiveness.

“We wanted to create a very bespoke lighting rig that matched both the theme of rowing and also something that fitted in with the look of our converted church. The sound to light feature of the installation really helps to enhance the customer’s experience whilst they row. The Light Lab have worked with us to create the unique lighting effects for different elements of the class, from the entrance to each class through to high energy sections and finally a calm stretch.’ ” Chris Heron – The Engine Room

The Engine Room – SPI ‘sound to light’ technology from The Light Lab on Vimeo.

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